Router Configuration for BlackMoon FTP Server
Router Setup and Server Configuration

The diagram above is a typical LAN setup connected to the internet via a broadband router. Note that this configuration is consistent with one or a hundred PCs. To run BlackMoon FTP Server on one of the PCs requires extra configuration by the ftp server and router administrator. There are 3 essential things to note before beginning configuration.

The WAN IP (also known as your Internet IP). This it the IP address clients from the Internet use when connecting to the ftp server.

The Main FTP Port. The default port number for FTP is 21. You may use any port between 1 and 65535. We will use port 21 in this tutorial.

The Passive Port Range. The passive port range is a range of contiguous port numbers between 1025 and 65535. The recommended number of ports in the range is 10 for home users and 100 for commercial sites. We will use the port range (10 ports).

In the above diagram
  • WAN IP:
  • Main FTP Port: 21
  • Passive Port Range:

We will begin by configuring the router. The LAN IP of the router in this example is and the IP of the FTP computer in the LAN is

Go into your router configuration setup (see your router documentation. for many routers will send you to the router configuration).

Forward port 21 to IP address (these are example IP addresses only. find and use your own)

Forward port 5000 to IP address (repeat for ports 5001,5002...5010)

After the router configuration is done, your setup should look like the above diagram.

Open the server option, and click on the Connection Setup entry.

Enable the default listen port and enter the main ftp port.

Enable the Use Passive Host/IP and enter your WAN IP.

Enable the listen for data connection on port range and enter the minimum and maximum port range value.

Click OK to save the configuration.

Your router configuration is now complete.